Most schools have banned the pledge of allegiance because of the words "under god". Heaven forbid we risk offending someone by saying words that don't agree with their religion, right? Fine, we can get beyond that.
This is what I cannot get past. How in the hell is it acceptable to ban a parent from school grounds for objecting to his child being forced to learn and recite muslim doctrine? We won't allow god to be mentioned and don't think about bringing a bible to school but we sure want you to know about what the muslims are doing in their lives.
This school should be ashamed of forcing this on the students. I don't blame the dad at all and if they refuse to let him attend gradation, I'd sue the shit out of them. Heck, I might sue anyway for making my child complete schoolwork of this nature. Keep religion to yourself and don't try to claim it's history related. You can teach religion without making the students learn and recite their beliefs like this.
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