Monday, November 9, 2020

A disappointing realization

I haven't been on facebook for several weeks. Too much depressing garbage leading up to the election and I didn't want to deal with it. Today, I went on to check out what was happening and catch up on pics of my baby nephew when I came across a post that irked me.

A friend, that I knew was on the opposite end of the political spectrum, has been much more active during the days since the election. That's fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinions but the things that this person posted were so easily debunked that I have to wonder if they are really as intelligent as I used to think.

Posts and memes that confirm for me that they are just like so many others who refuse to do any research into the facts behind their posts and simply post because it gets them attention. In addition, almost every single post referenced race in some way. And I would never say this person is racist but I have to wonder where their true feelings lie when that's all that they can seem to talk about?

This person exhibited many of the characteristics that I find abhorrent in the liberals of today.

* Inability to research or accept facts
* Constant reference to race instead of the true merits of the person in question
* Intolerance of anyone with differing opinions

And why aren't liberals bragging about all the plans & policies that Joe & Kamala have? Seems all they can focus on is that she is black & female. Sure doesn't seem like the right qualifications to run the country to me.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

How do we know people didn't vote twice?

 So, people mailed in ballots early but some precincts didn't start counting them until the day/night of the election. So, how do we know that people with mail in ballots didn't also stop at their polling place and cast their vote again on Tuesday because they didn't see their ballot accepted online when they checked? Do the ballot counters have a way to check that there aren't multiple votes on file for the same person?

Since they clearly can't tell if someone is dead or alive, I'm guessing they are doing nothing to verify that people didn't vote more than once via different methods. I'm very curious how this all works in each state because we know the processes are not the same across the board.

We need a standard process. If I can file my taxes online, then why can't I vote online? Make me register before each election and give me a specific code that I have to enter in order to vote online. Require my ID # as well as my SSN so you can flag anything that are logged more than once.

There has to be a way to secure this process, otherwise it's just a freaking joke and waste of time!

2020 Election Mayhem

Instagram is full of videos and posts of people that appear to be committing election fraud. From throwing out ballets to changing votes to accepting ballots from people that are deceased. How do we weed out this garbage and get to the truth?

In Detroit, there is video of poll workers clapping as republican observers are removed while they count absentee ballots. According to this document, Michigan allows poll observation by anyone as it's an "open process" so why would anyone be removed from the premises?

Democrats are suing in Pennsylvania to stop poll watchers while ballots are counted. And that's not the only location. Can you tell me why they would care if someone stands around and watches if they have nothing to hide?

There are reports of precincts counting more votes than they even have as registered voters. Now, I'm not a math whiz but, even I know that makes no sense. Videos showing confirmation of an absentee ballot being accepted for a man that died in 1984. How is that possible?

Over 100,000+ ballots were "found" overnight in one precinct and they were all for Biden. Now, since I'm not a statistician, I don't know the probability of that actually happening but I'm gonna guess, unless there was something fishy going on, there's no way every single ballot would be for the same candidate. I'd feel the same way no matter who those ballots were for.

So many things don't make sense during this election cycle. If nothing else good comes of this, I hope that these questionable behaviors bring to light how horrid and archaic our system is and that changes are made to ensure better tracking and accuracy in future. 

I have to say, it doesn't make sense to me that the man that has drown thousands of supporters to rallies, even when he wasn't there, would have such a low count in the votes. And you're seriously telling me that Biden got more votes than Obama did when he was running? Yeah, I find that hard to believe.

At this point, there are only 3 options to explain what is happening right now.

1. There is some serious fraud going on

2. Way more people are idiots in the US than I originally thought

3. Not all Trump supporters actually voted.

Now matter which reason is behind this mess, I'm seriously disappointed in the entire country right now. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What will you tell your children?

I recently saw this post on facebook and realized that this narrow minded stupidity is really what is destroying our country.

It's not really the protests and the violence, or even the politicians that are destroying America. We the people are the ones that are doing it. We've allowed ourselves to become lazy and complacent. We assume that things we read online are truth without bothering to do any research. Some folks simply base their opinions on the headline, without even reading the article. In many cases, you will find that there is information in that article that clarifies or even contradicts the headline. But people don't want to take the time to do their research.

I mean, the MSM wouldn't lie to you, would they? Even after it's been proven that the main stream media has repeatedly lied or reported information that was never verified, people still think they can do no wrong.

My children and grandchildren will know that when some people took an extremist and narrow minded view of things, on both sides of the debate, I did my very best to find out the details and make an informed decision on how I want my country to move forward. They will know that I prefer fidelity, truth and respect and did my best to share those values with others.

The fact that so many people have been trained to believe anyone with differing opinions is evil is what is wrong with this world. Too many participation children now coming into voting age and I'm scared for our future. I pray they continue to be as lazy as they are with researching facts on election day. Stay home because you're afraid of the bad people out there. Stay home so you don't get sick because we couldn't stop a virus. Stay home because you have faith that your candidate will win based on what the polls say.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Personal Responsibility

Ya'll! Listen! 

I'm so tired of hearing people blame everyone else for things that happen in their life. Life is about making choices. Not all of them will be good ones and many will have repercussions. Some of them will be unexpected because you thought you were making the right choice such as changing jobs, moving or taking a different route home. Others have clear consequences like breaking the law, driving recklessly, drinking, etc.

We need to stop blaming politicians for the ills of our country and look at our own actions. Do you vote? If not, why not? You want to complaint about who is in office but you can't be bothered to spend an hour or 2 every 4 years casting your vote?

You don't know who to vote for? Why not? Have you even tried to do any research on what the candidates have actually done, or failed to do, during their tenure? 

Are you voting for the same people over and over and then complaining when nothing good or new happens?

You're an adult. You have the ability to learn about what is going on in the world. The entire world is at your fingers yet so many of you refuse to work to verify that what the mainstream media is telling you is right. You just blindly believe everything they put out, even after multiple sources prove them to be liars.

It's time to stop blaming anyone else for the way out country has turned out and look in the mirror. If you're not voting, that's a mistake. If you aren't researching what you read before accepting it as the truth, that's a mistake. If you hate how your city or state has devolved in the last few years yet you keep voting for the same people over and over, that's a mistake.

Take responsibility. Learn the facts. Don't follow the herd. Use your brain and some common sense. Have some common decency when it comes to your fellow man. Stop playing the victim and DO SOMETHING!!! No, I don't mean go out and tear things down and start fires. VOTE! The only way things are going to change is if the people you've elected for the last few decades, who have done nothing, are replaced by people that truly care about our country.

Do your part and stop playing the blame card.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Bigotry comes in all forms

Someone that I consider a good friend shared this today with the caption "TRUE STORY". I've known for some time that she's on the far end of the political spectrum from me but this surprised me. If you can relate to this post, I feel truly sorry for you.

That man in the USA hat would probably be one of the only people to stop and help you on the side of the road. He'd gladly travel miles with his truck and boat to help people in need during flooding or a hurricane.

To base your opinion on a group of people solely based on a USA hat and confederate flag sticker makes you no better than someone that avoids black people because of the acts of a few. Bigotry and hatred come in all forms and I think the last few years have made it clear where the majority of the bigots will cast their vote.