Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Raising Taxes Impacts Us All

Biden continues to talk about how the rich need to pay their "fair share", which seems to translate into a higher tax bracket than the rest of us. For years, people have asked why we don't have a flat tax rate like 10% across the board. Seems to me, that would be the true way to calculate the "fair share" of taxes on each person or corporation.

Frankly, it pisses me off that the more hours I work, and the more money I make, the higher rate of taxes they take out. Why is that? You're penalizing me for busting my ass to feed my family. Then they take my tax money and give it to someone that isn't working at all. How is that "FAIR"??

And what does he think will happen when he raises taxes on the rich? There are 2 main options that I can see happening from this.

1. The price of consumer goods will go up to compensate for the additoinal taxes, which just screws the middle class in the end, as usual.

2. These "ultra-wealthy" folks will take their companies, and jobs, somewhere else that will give them incentives for providing the very jobs that the middle class relies on to support their families. Thus, screwing the middle class, again!

Not to mention, all he's doing it changing the starting point at which taxes are calculated. Unless he's going to do away with the loopholes and tax breaks that these folks are using to avoid paying so much, he's only changing the starting point, not the end result, like he claims. But, if he gets rid of the loopholes, he'll hurt himself and his rich friends in Washington so, that will never happen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

What Happened, America?

Do you remember how Americans "joined hands" after the 9/11 attacks on our country? We were united, against those that would attempt to destroy our way of life. We weren't black & white, republican & democrat. We were Americans and we all wanted justice for the attacks on our country.

What happened? When did we lose sight of what is important? Fighting about who is better based on politics, gender or race? Or working together to show terrorists, foreign & domestic, that we are Americans! And we will not stand by while you violate our lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Don't let them divide us. The government wants to run our loves and the only way to do that is by pitting us against each other so we won't work together to resist them. Don't let it happen! Do your research. Know who you're voting for. Be kind to your neighbors and strangers. Don't sweat the small stuff. And don't depend on politicians or the MSM to give you the truth.

We are Americans! Let's act like it and stand up for our country and all those that have suffered and died to preserve our way of life.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Military Casualty Rate Comparison

I saw the following post today on IG and thought, I wonder what the statistics actually are. So I decided to look it up. 

Now, this is from wikipedia so it may not be exactly right but, if you look at the following chart of military casualties by month and year, I think you can see that, if Biden continues down this path, his totals will surpass those during Trump's administration within a year.

Yes, Biden is pulling the troops out of Afghanistan. Trump actually started that process before Biden was ever elected so please stop pretending it was Biden's idea.

The problem is that Biden didn't bother to look at all the angles and make sure that when we backed out, the people left behind were prepared to defend their country and take a stand. Then he left behind tons of military equipment that got into the hands of the taliban. And then, someone in his administration, gave a list of US citizens and allies in Afghanistan to the taliban. Even after there was proof that they were executing people right and left.

The withdrawal needed to happen but Biden's team botched the entire thing and now hundreds of people are dead because of his poor choices. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

If masks and vaccines work...

So, when you say masks and vaccines should be mandated, you're saying one of 2 things.

Either, the masks and vaccines aren't as effective as you want us to believe & you want us all muzzled and jabbed to make yourself feel better.


You have no regard for my rights and want to force your opinions & beliefs on everyone else because you're scared, just like the MSM and democrats want you to be.

So, which is it?

Monday, August 23, 2021

The uproar on Old South Parties

I don't watch the bachelor but I'm seeing where one of the contestants, who is 24 now, was ejected from the show for a party she attended when she was 18. An Old South or Antebellum Party, as they are called. Where people dress in period garb and...party. 

From what I'm seeing, it's an excuse for rich kids to dress up and party in a fancy house. I'm not seeing any pics where they forced black people to pretend to be slaves at their party or anything like that so....who cares? Who are they hurting? It's really just a big costume party, if you think about it.

What's really ignorant about this entire situation, is that the host of the Bachelor was replaced and felt the need to apologize when he was just stating that everyone should wait to find out the full story before condemning anyone. This current state of immediately jumping to conclusions before all the facts are revealed is what is truly destroying the world these days. The fact that the host felt he had to apologize for asking people to use common sense and not jump to conclusions is another sign that our country is doomed.

When people are "cancelled" for using their brains and not just jumping on the bandwagon to ruin someone's life, with no solid evidence or research?? That's a problem. We've become a society that values the shock factor of a story more than facts. This mentality is going to destroy our nation. People are not going to sit around allowing themselves and their friends to be slandered and ruined by lies of others. Be prepared. A war is coming.

Did democrats make a deal with the taliban?

Lots of people will call me a conspiracy theorist but, I've been right before so...humor me for a minute here.

There are reports that the taliban has information that will prove Biden stole the 2020 election. While I have my doubts about that, because others have said the same for months, it wouldn't be a surprise.

Here's how I think it played out, and why they are just now bringing it up.

The taliban had to keep their deal a secret until they could get their hands on the weapons, and the country. Now that those 2 things are done, they have no need to keep their dealings with the democrats a secret.

Democrats made a deal with the taliban to withdraw our troops quickly, without preparing the Afghan people to defend themselves, leaving behind a boat load of military grade weapons. 

In exchange, the taliban helped submit the mass quantities of mail in ballots that the democrats needed to secure Biden's win.

Yeah, sound far fetched but, is it really? Would it really surprise you at all to learn that something like this took place?

Additional thoughts: 

* There's no doubt that the taliban has operatives living in the US. That's not a new concept.

* This administrations open border policy has made it so easy for more of them to move into the country without being detected. Was that the democrats plan all along?

* I would not be surprised at all if we find out some democrats are really evil enough to plot against another country, or their own. They've shown their true colors before.

* I don't think Biden was in on this plan. They couldn't trust him not to spill the beans or screw it up.

* Oh, the taliban wouldn't do that because processing mail isn't their thing? Really? If you're a terrorist, and you are trying to take over a country and are promised billions of dollars of US Military grade equipment, you'd be more than happy to fill out some forms and lick some envelopes for that chance.

* Kamala was probably running this plot from behind the scenes. She's been MIA for some time. Where was she and who was she working with for the last month? She sure wasn't working on making the southern border safer.

Monday, August 16, 2021

I forgot my cart quarter

I shop at Ruler at least once a week. If you don't know, it's a grocery stores where they hold  your quarter hostage while you use their cart, and then return it if you're not one of those scumbags that leaves their cart sitting in the middle of the parking lot. But, I digress! 

Because of my numerous trips, I usually keep a quarter or 2 in the truck so I'm prepared. I also like to leave my quarter in the cart when I return it in case someone else finds themselves without one, hence there are times when I may not have a quarter on me. Last night, I found myself in that position after a tiring 12 hour shift, while running on less than 3 hours of sleep. 

On my last Ruler trip, there were 3 "cart quarters" left behind so I was hopeful I might find one waiting for me. Optimistically, I approached the cart line, only to find...NOTHING! Not a single quarter to be found.

As I entered the store, mentally narrowing down my list to the few that I could feasible carry to the checkout, I briefly thought about wrangling the cart free from its' chain by force. After deciding it wasn't worth jail time over $0.25, I grabbed a few things and headed home.

As I headed back to Ruler today, I made sure my trusty cart quarter was safely in my pocket. As I returned my cart, I contemplated leaving the quarter again but decided against it. I'm getting low on quarters and I'll probably be back at Ruler within a couple days. I'd better hang on to it until the quarter thief is identified and apprehended. Ha Ha 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Let Them Die?

I get it! People are passionate about their demands that everyone get the covid vaccine to stop the spread. Unfortunately, their desires are starting to creep into extremist territory, as you can see below.

Where does it stop, folks? Are they going to continue to demand people get other shots for diseases that also have a 98%+ survival rate? And they wonder why people describe folks like those above as lunatics. I mean, you're really wishing death on people because of a personal medical decision about their own bodies? Yet these same folks are the ones that are screaming that abortion is healthcare and should be legal. Total hypocrites, without a doubt.

Biden is talking about requiring vaccine passports for interstate travel. Are you kidding me right now? I live within a short drive of at least 3 states and many folks around here live in one state and work in another. What if I'm just driving through? Are the cops going to pull me over and ask for my "papers"? What does that sound like to you?

I get that people want to stop covid from spreading but, it's a virus. Much like the flu, it will continue to pop up over and over again. Very little chance of us eradicating it completely.

But when the government starts limited my life, my work and how I can obtain the things I need to support my family and live, that's a big problem. If you want to get vaccinated, wear a mask, socially distance and stay locked away to avoid getting it, that's your choice. But I'll be damned if you're going to start taking away my freedoms because you are scared.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

No More Big Mean Guy

Have you ever read the comments on Biden's Facebook page?

I'd wager at least half the posts are from people outside the US who don't have any real clue what is going on within our borders. This includes those praising him and those begging him to save their own country.

There are some "true believers", or sheep as some might call them, that actually believe he is saving America. Then there are the rest of us...

  • Those that keep asking for an explanation of how he plans to pay back the trillions of dollars he handing out, disguised as relief, when the bulk isn't going to those that truly need the relief.
  • Those pointing out the bad points to the bills that he is so proud of pushing through.
  • Those trying to wake people up by making them question the things they so blindly believe.

It's sad, really!

When people disagree with my point, I like to take that info and do some more digging to find out what is really going on. Unfortunately, I've never encountered any argumentative Biden supporter that can provide a coherent argument for why they feel he was the best choice. They have decided that the media and the people they voted for couldn't possible lie to them so they believe everything that they are told, which is exactly what the democrats want. Their voting decisions all stemmed from their "orange man bad" mentality and that's all they could see.

The current administration is hurting the economy, hurting people and families. Now, don't get me wrong. That's not all due to Biden. There are far too many career politicians that have been slowing destroying our country for years. The trouble is, they have been exposed, but they are still getting away with it so they have become even more bold in their deceit and lawlessness.

Far too many people have turned a blind eye to the corruption that Trump brought to light during his term. But, because people were brainwashed into thinking he was evil, they refuse to believe that anything he did was a benefit. Too many people can't see the truth once their feelings are hurt by facts.

Friday, July 30, 2021

My Body My Choice: Vaccine Edition

I have no problem with people getting or refusing the covid vaccine. What I do have a problem is those people that feel the need to shame me for choosing not to get the shot.

They told us the vaccine would prevent the spread and save lives. We now know that's not entirely true. Many cases of vaccinated people contracting, and dying from, covid are making headlines. So, please tell me what the point is of getting vaccinated?

If you risk getting covid either way, then I'm not going to allow myself to be injected with an experimental drug, that we know doesn't do what was promised.

So, you can skip the vaccine and run the risk of dying from covid.


You can get the vaccine and still run the risk of dying from covid...plus you could experience side effects from the vaccine.

If you want to keep wearing a mask, social distancing and staying home, you're welcome to do so. But I refuse to be bullied into doing something that doesn't actually do what was promised to just to make you feel better, even though it doesn't seem to make any difference.

I don't judge anyone that chose to get the vaccine but I'm damn sick of people continually trying to shame those of us that made a conscious decision not to get the vaccine based on our own personal situation.

What ever happened to My Body, My Choice?

Friday, June 18, 2021

Unconscious Bias

I read a post today where a lady said she had to check her "unconscious bias" because, when a female friend told her they had a crush on someone, she assumed it was a boy. This happened when they were 12 years old.

Only about 5% of the american population identifies as gay. Let's say many of them are still not out so, even if that percentage is closer to 20%, that's still the minority. Why are we making people feel bad for assuming something that would apply to the majority of the population?

What many people now call bias is simply a matter of folks not having all the pertinent details related to the situation. In the case above, the lady's friend kept telling her to guess what her secret was. When she gave her a clue that it was a crush, she started going through the names of the boys that were in their class or neighborhood. 

Any rational human being's mind would probably go in this same direction. Especially if that friend had NEVER given any indication that they were attracted to women or that they felt they were gay.

Stop assuming that everyone knows what you are thinking and feeling and stop labeling people as biased just because they don't understand what you're trying to tell them. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Biden touts "creation" of 500,000 jobs per month

President Biden posted on facebook that the economy is now adding back 500,000 jobs per month, when it was only adding 60,000 per month under the previous administration. 

Let's look at the possible reasoning behind this, shall we?

Under Trump, and before covid, the economy was doing well. Unemployment was low for most demographics and dependence on the government was also down.

The number of new jobs actually created recently is very low. Most of these jobs are actually ones that were abandoned by workers when they were promised extra unemployment pay due to the pandemic.

Is it a coincidence that people are going back to work now that several Republican governors have ended the extended unemployment pay outs?

Biden & his handlers are famous for skewing the truth and making it sound like they are the ones responsible for anything that gets better after this pandemic. He has his supporters convinced that he is the one responsible for the covid vaccine roll out. In fact, Biden received his first dose before he was even inaugurated so it should be clear that Trump is the one responsible for getting that ball fast tracked and rolling. Biden is just riding that wave and claiming credit for something he had nothing to do with.

The fact that so many people believe these lies is what caused me to lose faith in humanity. At the rate of idiotic comments on the Biden facebook page, it's very possible that he actually did get 8+ million votes before people are complete morons.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Grey's Anatomy got woke?

I have to say, the wokeness of the last couple seasons made me really want to shoot my TV. About half of their cast of doctors are people of color. In a city that is only 7% black. You really want me to believe that these people are discriminated against?

When Maggie told Amelia to check her white privilege, I almost puked. Really, Maggie? You're mixed. You've lived a charmed life with amazing parents. You're a genius that graduated early and is a chief of cardio surgery before the age of 30. You're pretty privileged compared to most people I know.

The Avery's are rich because of the foundation that the old white grandfather started yet they bitched about him all the time. They were free to step away from the family name and make their own way but they rode those riches for their entire lives.

Many others worked hard to get where they are and they fought racial tensions because they are older. But these young folks making 6 figures, buying yachts and fancy sports cars can shut the hell up. Systemic racism is a joke. People need to take responsibility for their own lives and actions. You want something better? Do better. Stop blaming your lack of success on racism. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

HR 127 - Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

HR 127 was introduced by Jackson Lee from Texas on January 4th, 2021. Here are some highlights and a link to the document so you can read all 19 pages for yourself, if you'd like.

Registration: A federal system of tracking possession and licensing of firearms will be maintained by the ATF. Not all states require registration of firearms at this time.

Location: Gun owners must provide all firearm info to the ATF as well as where the firearm will be stored. Am I supposed to call them every time I move it? Like, during the day it's on my person, at night it's by the bed? If I get up to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night and take it with me, do I have to call and report that too? 

Access to Data: This information will be housed in a database "accessible to all members of the public" as well as law enforcement, the government, etc. This I have a serious issue with. If this passes, you can bet your sweet ass that I will NEVER follow these guidelines. Not a chance in hell am I going to allow my personal information to be in a public database along with all the guns that I own and where I keep them. That's just asking for criminals to break in or attack you.

Insurance: Owners will be required to carry firearm insurance at the cost of around $800 a year. No mention of what this insurance has to cover but that's more than car insurance, in some cases. That better cover me getting sued if I have to shoot someone.

Overall, another poor attempt to curb gun violence that is way off the mark. All this will do is turn law abiding gun owners into criminals and open up way more personal gun sales that are off the record to avoid being tracked.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Stop the cycle, save the children

The fact that we keep seeing stories of young people committing heinous crimes is a sad sign of the future of our country. What's the answer? It's not going to happen overnight but everyone needs to step up and do something in their own lives to stop the cycle.

I'm sure many folks won't like my thoughts on this and I don't care. I'm at that age where I'm going to say my piece and if you don't like it, you're free to move on and do your own thing. But, if you are guilty of any of these "behaviors", you may be part of the problem.

  • Stop glamorizing celebrities, crime & promiscuity.
  • Teach kids personal responsibility.
  • Single motherhood is not something to be promoted.
  • Don't let your kids grow up believing they are victims.

Crime & promiscuity is not something to be celebrated. Far too many folks idolize these celebrities that show rampant crime & sexual activity in their videos and expect that their kids won't grow up thinking that is normal. It should NOT be normal. Having children out of wedlock with multiple people should NOT be normal. Robbing people and shooting guns all over town should NOT be normal or accepted behavior.

We need to stop raising our kids to believe that they are doomed to failure just because of their current situation. It's a struggle to get out of a bad situation but it can be done if you try and stop blaming others for your shortcomings. Make sure your kids understand that they are not entitled to anything. That hard work is what gets you forward in life. That being kind to others is not a weakness. That the government is not there to take care of you.

Being a single mother is difficult. I've been a single mother for 18+ years but I only had one child and I don't consider myself a super hero. Yes, some women find themselves in this situation due to no fault of their own and they do their best. It's awesome to support them. However, if you're a single mother with multiple children, by different fathers, you did that to yourself. If you got pregnant once and weren't smart enough to figure out how that happened and take steps to avoid it, I have no empathy for you. I know there may be extenuating circumstances for some but I'm willing to bet that a good portion of women in this position are there due to their own personal choices, or lack of planning. Again, take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your failures on everyone else.

Stop telling your kids that, just because you struggled as a child and an adult, that they are doomed to follow the same path. If you really want your kids to succeed, instill in them better behaviors. Don't play the victim yourself. Make them take responsibility for their own actions. Make sure they understand what hard work is. Be involved in their relationships with others and make sure they aren't falling in with the wrong crowd. Raise your children and don't depend on the people around you to do it. If you have children, they are your responsibility. If you continue to allow them to be a victim and blame others for their actions, YOU are the problem with the state of our country. 

Far too many people are being raised without the ability to think for themselves. They only follow what others tell them to do and believe. They can't think form their own thoughts or opinions. The fact that this has become a rampant problem is clear in the sheer # of people that have voted for the party that clearly wants socialism to take over the United States. They have no idea what that would really mean for our country. We have to stop this cycle and get our kids on the right path, before they grow up and destroy our country.