But the entitlement generation of today has ruined that for me.
I used to enjoy hearing about the history of the world and what happened to bring us to where we are today...but then I see videos like this and I think "who the hell do you think you are?".
MTV decided to show us what would happen if there was no black history month. What they actually did was make it appear that the world would be nothing without black people. Um, yeah...that's a good way to get white people to take your grievances seriously. Tell us we're nothing without you...even though the folks complaining the most have contributed the least.
Pretty far stretch to say there wouldn't be any technological or medical advances if it hadn't been for black people. No country music without black people? No colorful and "exciting" clothes? If your plan was to drive a deeper wedge between whites & blacks, you've done it.
Comments on the video range from support to indifference to accusations. Sadly, the white folks that are voicing their support are being attacked because they either need to stop trying to appropriate the black culture or they just don't understand what black people go through. Say what? People are trying to support your cause and all you can do is try to make them feel guilty for things they had nothing to do with?
Responses like this, which make up the majority of the comments I see, make me lose all respect for people that claim racism & discrimination. Why is it always the black people that are oppressed by white people? You think singling us out and stereotyping us into one group isn't racist? It is and stop trying to say it's not. Everyone can experience racism. That's not a term exclusive to black people.
You segregate yourselves by creating mass numbers of black only organizations. When an organization only allows white members, that's racist but you don't think it's the same when the colors are turned around? Wrong! It's no different. Well, except that a white organization will eventually be forced to allow all races or they'll be sued and shut down. That never happens with black organizations. Explain how that's not racist?
If you want change, then work for it. Go to college. Become a member of a party that can change education materials. Make laws to ensure fair treatment. Stop the hatred and violent protests against people that had nothing to do with where your life is right now. You are responsible for your life. Not your parents, teachers, friends, the government. You may face challenges with those entities but they do not define you. You make your choices and whining about how nobody understands you and life isn't fair will get you nothing.
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