I may sound like that insensitive prick that has no compassion after a tragic event. That's simply not true but I'm sick and tired of gun grabbers immediately turning these events into a call for more gun control.
I have no problem with background checks and such to ensure that's guns don't wind up in the hands of unstable folks. However, I'm not on board with some of the suggestions of these folks that are so afraid of guns that they think nobody should have them.
Criminals break laws. No amount of restrictions are going to stop bad guys from getting guns and creating havoc. All you'll do by outlawing guns is prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves when confronted with these lunatics.
You'll notice that nearly every mass shooting occurs in a "Gun Free Zone". Why do you suppose that is? Because criminals know there's nobody there to stop them before they cause a large amount of devastation. Putting up these signs is nothing more than an advertisement for the nut cases to attack.
What we need to fix is the people problem that has become apparent during the last 10-15 years. People have no respect for others or themselves. They believe life is disposable & care nothing for the feelings or needs of others.
Until we fix the people, the violence will continue.
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