Saturday, October 31, 2015

Racism, the equal opportunity hater

I'm so tired of hearing that "black people can't be racist". I'm even more sick of being lumped into the "white racist" category because of so called "white privilege". If someone could let me know when that's supposed to kick in, I'd appreciate it.

The definition of racism involves the belief that one race is superior to another. Don't even try to tell me there aren't people of all races that feel this way. Every time I read articles like this I get frustrated by the fact that people are so blind to what is going on around them every day.

It's race appropriation if I cornrow my hair but it's not for a woman of color to change her hair & eyes to look more like a caucasian woman? Why must we segregate everything into a racial category? The whole point of this melting pot we live in is to share cultures & such. To be open to the ways of others & accepting of the fact that we are all different.

Racism is the matter what color your skin is. It can be directed at us all. How about we channel all this misdirected anger into learning, and practicing, acceptance?

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