Time to get organized, get in shape & get a job. Tomorrow is my new beginning!
Katy Olson
Some people would say I overshare! Hopefully, you will find something useful, funny or amusing in the random junk that comes out of my mind. If not, carry on!
Friday, December 31, 2010
The End Has Come
Monday, December 6, 2010
Random Job Thoughts
I've been bitter about it for a while and though I try not to show it too much, I know people can tell. I've come to the realization that while it's going to be scary to look for a new job and possibly be unemployed for a while this might be the time for me to get out and try something new. Challenge myself to do something different with my life. Unfortunately, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. :)
Any ideas?
Day 1...Good!
Tomorrow, I have boneless ribs in the crockpot so I've got a light day planned to make up for it! Can't wait!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
New Day - Monday 12/06/10
Monday, October 25, 2010
Taking A Walk
Katy Olson
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Must remember to pack my sneakers this week so I can walk at lunch. Casual tomorrow so I'll be wearing them with no excuses. :)
Katy Olson
Saturday, October 9, 2010
WI 10/09/10
It's so difficult to get started because I'm so tired all the time. I know if I'd start working out my energy level would improve but I've got to get over that first week hurdle of starting to be active again.
Here goes nothing...let's hope it turns into something!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
WI 080710
Saturday, July 31, 2010
07/31/10 - WI
Friday, July 30, 2010
Time to refocus 07/30/10
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
05/15/10 Weigh In
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
WI 5/1/10
Saturday, April 24, 2010
WI 04/24/10
Did good last night, after Los Bravos, there were caramel brownies and I didn't eat one. Then Josh was still hungry so we stopped at McDonald's to get him some nuggets and I just got a drink. I could have easily ordered a burger and fries and eaten that too.
Feeling like I accomplished something this week and hope I can keep it going.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
4/20/10 Update
I've just got to try to get in a short walk during lunch and eat healthier each meal.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wake Up Call 4/15/10
Today, I had to go shopping and buy new clothes and new shoes because I can’t fit into most of my old ones. Yes, I’ve had to go back to buying the same size I wore when I started Weight Watchers over 2 years ago. I’ve gained back 70+ lbs of the 88 that I lost and I feel terrible.
I spent $300 getting bigger clothes and shoes that I can actually wear because my legs and feet are in such bad shape due to the extra weight and lack of exercise. I must get my butt back in gear and lose this weight…AGAIN!
I’ll start slowly with the walking and weights and hope I can get back to a healthy weight again within a year or so. I lost the last 88 pounds in a year…I can do it again if I just focus!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Run over by the wagon...not just fallen off!
Instead, I stopped working out and started eating like a pig again. I try to eat healthy now but it never lasts more than a day or 2 before I give up again. The problem is the exercise. I don't work out because I'm sick and don't feel well but I'm sick because I don't work out. I'm going to have to suck it up and get some sort of work out in...even if it's just walking.
Right now my legs and feet are in such bad shape that I can barely walk in the morning. THIS HAS TO STOP!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Weigh In 3/27/10
Time to start the week fresh and hope I don't screw it up royally.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Weigh In 02/27/10
Bought The Firm Wave program a few weeks ago and haven't had time to try it because of the yuckiness in my head. Need to clean out the living room and give it a try.
Just realized that I'm going to miss the Biggest Loser on Tuesday because of a church meeting/dinner. Hope nobody spoils it for me. Anyone know if there is somplace online I can watch it sooner than a week after it airs? I do not have DVR so don't suggest it! LOL
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Weigh In 02/20/2010
Last week was my first week on the Nutrisystem food. I'm still tracking the points through WW because you have to supplement some things and I want to make sure I don't supplement too much. The food is actually really good, the portions are just really smaller than I'm used to and even smaller than I expected them to be. I'm trying to make sure I add some sort of fruit or vegetable alot to stay full longer.
We'll see how this week goes because I'm still sick and on meds so I've not been able to exercise in the last few days. I walked on the treadmill wednesday for about 15 minutes and that's really been it. Got to get back to business as soon as this pain in my head clears up.
Apparently, I have Mastoiditis. It's been plaguing me for a little over 3 weeks and I'm on my 3rd round of antibiotics. So far, no real change. If it doesn't clear up soon, I may end up in the hospital with some even stronger stuff to clear this up. Not looking forward to that at all. Let's hope this last 5 days of clindamycin kick the infection to the curb.
Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection in the mastoid process, the prominent bone behind the ear.
This disorder usually occurs when untreated or inadequately treated acute otitis media spreads from the middle ear into the surrounding bone—the mastoid process.
Usually, symptoms appear days to weeks after acute otitis media develops, as the spreading infection destroys the inner part of the mastoid process. A collection of pus (abscess) may form in the bone. The skin covering the mastoid process may become red, swollen, and tender, and the external ear is pushed sideways and down. Other symptoms are fever, pain around and within the ear, and a creamy, profuse discharge from the ear. The pain tends to be persistent and throbbing. Hearing loss can become progressively worse.
Computed tomography (CT) shows that the air cells (spaces in bone that normally contain air) in the mastoid process are filled with fluid. As mastoiditis progresses, the spaces enlarge. Inadequately treated mastoiditis can result in deafness, blood poisoning (sepsis), infection of the tissues covering the brain (meningitis), brain abscess, or death.
Treatment is with antibiotics given by vein. A sample of ear discharge is examined to identify the organism causing the infection and to determine the antibiotics most likely to eliminate the bacteria. Antibiotics may be given by mouth once the person starts to recover and are continued for at least 2 weeks. If an abscess has formed in the bone, surgical drainage (mastoidectomy) is required.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Weigh In 2/13/10
Today my weight is...249.2 lbs. :(
I'm only 25 lbs from my original highest weight and I must get rid of this extra weight. My blood pressure was 143/96 Wednesday @ the doctor and I have to get it back under control.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Update 02/10/10
I've ordered The Firm Wave system and a months supply of Nutrisystem food because I cannot trust myself not to eat fast food if I don't have something pre-made to eat. I know it's not ideal and now how I'll have to live once I get to goal but right now my main focus is to get to goal. I'm almost at my heaviest weight again. I cannot do this anymore. My clothes don't fit and my arthritis is worse than ever. Some days I can barely walk and I'm too young to go through life like this.
On March 10th, 2011 I will turn 35. My goal is to be at 150 lbs (at least) by that birthday. I've lost almost 90 pounds in a year before, I know I can do this. I just have to focus and find a way to get some of this stress out of my life. I was losing weight great before I switched jobs. I don't want to quit but sometimes I feel like I would be better of (at least my health would be) if I had a less stressful job.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Weigh In 02/06/10
Today, I made the decision to order Nutrisystem. It's rather expensive but if I think about all the money I spend on fast food, I'm probably doing myself a favor. It'll be better for me if I know there is something easy and fast to prepare at home or in the cabinet for any meal. Right now, I just don't have the ability to focus on cooking healthy food for every meal of the day. Since I switched jobs, the stress level has increased 200% and I'm really finding it hard to do anything outside of work.
My house is a mess, my health is deteriorating and my weight has gone almost back up to my highest ever of 275 in October 2008. I DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE AGAIN! But I'm only about 27 pounds away right now and it would be so easy to gain that all back.
I'm hoping the auto delivery program will ensure that I always have something quick and low calorie to make for any meal and that I won't be tempted to buy a bunch of fast food anymore. Gotta make it through this week and then I should have my shipment to start on. Can't wait!
I also ordered the new Firm Wave program, The Firm step program is what I used almost exclusively when I lost 88 pounds the first time around and I'm hoping this will give me something new to get excited about.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Weigh In 1/30/10
Current Weight 242.8
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Oops...Big Buford got me!
With the crackers I ate this morning, I'm way over my daily points and still have to eat dinner. Luckily, I've still got weekly and activity points I can swap if I have to. I think tonight will be Tilapia, green beans and a little rice. That should be minimal points but still good for me.
I'm going to try a ham & potato soup that Amy suggested on her blog. Can't wait to try it. It sounds delicious and very simple to make. I like that alot.
I also plan to try a squash, orzo, mint dish that I saw on 5 Ingredient Fix on Food Network. Looks good and only 5 ingredients. That's my kind of cooking. I really like that show but she uses things that normal people don't keep on hand all the time. Lots of strange (and expensive) cheeses and such. We'll see how it turns out.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Are you kidding me?
Anyway, went to Chik Fil A for lunch, got a grilled chicken, planned to give the fries to Josh but ate them myself. 20 points for the day down, and 10 left for dinner! I think that's very doable! Heck, I could even go get the Grilled Chicken Buffalitos from BDUBS if I wanted to. :-)
Had those last night so, no more for me today. Well, I'm off to get some cleaning done before the mess overtakes the house! Have a great week all!
Weigh In 01/23/10
Current weight = 242.4 lbs
Goal weight = 140.0 lbs
I lost 88 pounds in a year the last time I did WW so I know I can do this. My goal is to get to at least my driver's license weight of 175 by the end of 2010. That's about 70 pounds in 11 months...I think I can do that if I buckle down and focus.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Weigh In 1/16/10
Gonna have to ease into is slowly because every thing is so weak again. It's amazing how quickly your muscles forget what to do when you slack off.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Slightly Ticked
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Weigh In 01/09/10
Now, I'm off to have some breakfast and get this house cleaned. Hoping that burns some calories. :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
I can't stay focused!
Tomorrow is weigh in day...it's not gonna be pretty but I'm gonna step on the scale anyway and start this thing over...AGAIN. The plan for this weekend is to clean clean clean clean clean. Hopefully I can get the christmas mess cleaned up so I have more room to get my workouts in and get the treadmill back out. There is so much to clean that I can burn some calories in the process...I hope!
I've got plenty of healthy food I've just been lazy because the house is such a mess and I don't want to clean when I get home. It's funny how my weight loss stopped and then reversed the minute I changed jobs because my stress level is so much higher than it was when I started WW 2 years ago. Obviously, stress is a major factor for me and my weight loss so I need to find a way to get rid of some of that...other than quitting my job which would be great if I didn't need the money.
I'd like to get up and do some yoga each morning, it's on at 5am so I should just do it. Maybe that will help. I know working out will because it always made me feel better before. It's just really hard to get back on the wagon when you've been off this long.
Here is an updated picture of me as of January 8th, 2010. In this picture, I'm only about 30 pounds away from my highest weight in October 2008. It's shameful that I would work that hard, lose nearly 90 pounds in a single year and then gain 60 of it back in the same amount of time.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
WTH 01/07/2010
I've got 2 days to turn this around before my WI day on Saturday. Let's see what happens.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Stupid Stupid Stupid
Today has been a crazy day. It was the funeral for my cousin that committed suicide last week, my uncle passed away from pancreatic cancer, it's the 1 year anniversary of my great grandmother's funeral, and my grandpa might be going into the hospital.
I ate a cupcake today too. I'm only on day 4 and I've eaten more points than I'm actually allowed in a whole week. I haven't worked out either cause there is so much crap in my house that I don't have the room to do anything and I cancelled my gym membership cause it was too expensive. I have a treadmill but can't get to it right now because of all the Christmas stuff.
Maybe one day I'll get back on track. I really just need to get the food under control and I don't know why I can't seem to do it this time. It's very frustrating!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Day 2 begins
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Weigh In 1 - First Day Back on WW
In October 2007 I started WW and lost 88 pounds in 1 year. Then I changed jobs, took on more stress, lost alot of free time to workout and gained back 55 of that the next year. I know that I can do this because I've already lost nearly 100 in the past, all I have to do is focus and stay on track.
Time to regain my health and slim down again...hopefully for the last time.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Tomorrow It Starts...Again!