Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weigh In 02/20/2010

Stepped on the scale yesterday and was ok with the results.  Didn't actually track it online and I didn't remember my previous weight so I thought I had lost about 1 pound.  Went online to log it today and I actually lost 3.2 lbs last week!  Freakin' awesome!  I like when things turn out  better than I originally thought they were!

Last week was my first week on the Nutrisystem food.  I'm still tracking the points through WW because you have to supplement some things and I want to make sure I don't supplement too much.  The food is actually really good, the portions are just really smaller than I'm used to and even smaller than I expected them to be.  I'm trying to make sure I add some sort of fruit or vegetable alot to stay full longer.

We'll see how this week goes because I'm still sick and on meds so I've not been able to exercise in the last few days.  I walked on the treadmill wednesday for about 15 minutes and that's really been it.  Got to get back to business as soon as this pain in my head clears up.

Apparently, I have Mastoiditis. It's been plaguing me for a little over 3 weeks and I'm on my 3rd round of antibiotics.  So far, no real change.  If it doesn't clear up soon, I may end up in the hospital with some even stronger stuff to clear this up.  Not looking forward to that at all.  Let's hope this last 5 days of clindamycin kick the infection to the curb.

Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection in the mastoid process, the prominent bone behind the ear.

This disorder usually occurs when untreated or inadequately treated acute otitis media spreads from the middle ear into the surrounding bone—the mastoid process.
Usually, symptoms appear days to weeks after acute otitis media develops, as the spreading infection destroys the inner part of the mastoid process. A collection of pus (abscess) may form in the bone. The skin covering the mastoid process may become red, swollen, and tender, and the external ear is pushed sideways and down. Other symptoms are fever, pain around and within the ear, and a creamy, profuse discharge from the ear. The pain tends to be persistent and throbbing. Hearing loss can become progressively worse.

Computed tomography (CT) shows that the air cells (spaces in bone that normally contain air) in the mastoid process are filled with fluid. As mastoiditis progresses, the spaces enlarge. Inadequately treated mastoiditis can result in deafness, blood poisoning (sepsis), infection of the tissues covering the brain (meningitis), brain abscess, or death.

Treatment is with antibiotics given by vein. A sample of ear discharge is examined to identify the organism causing the infection and to determine the antibiotics most likely to eliminate the bacteria. Antibiotics may be given by mouth once the person starts to recover and are continued for at least 2 weeks. If an abscess has formed in the bone, surgical drainage (mastoidectomy) is required.

1 comment:

  1. I hate how many calories are in saltines. It just kills me that I need them while I'm on the antibiotic to settle my stomach but they cost me so many points. Anyone know an alternative?


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