Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weigh In 02/27/10

This week, I lost 0.4 lbs.  Didn't eat great several days and didn't work out because I'm still worn out and sore from the Mastoiditis.  The good news is, I think it's almost gone.  The bad news is, now I'm getting a sinus allergy headache.  Not sure which was worse.  At least the sinus headache is helped by excedrin, the other was not.  I can still feel the tenseness in my neck and upper back but it's probably because I've not been sleeping well and haven't worked out and stretched things out in a while. Definately need to get back to my work outs ASAP.  Maybe even this afternoon while Josh is at mamaws.

Bought The Firm Wave program a few weeks ago and haven't had time to try it because of the yuckiness in my head.  Need to clean out the living room and give it a try.

Just realized that I'm going to miss the Biggest Loser on Tuesday because of a church meeting/dinner.  Hope nobody spoils it for me.  Anyone know if there is somplace online I can watch it sooner than a week after it airs?  I do not have DVR so don't suggest it!  LOL

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