Sunday, February 6, 2011

Words Of Wisdom 02/06/11

This doesn't happen alot so you should be excited that I'm able to impart some words that might be considered wisdom in some small circles of the world.

Over the last month I've been faithfully spending time on to track my calories in and out and work toward my weight loss goals.  The thing that I notice the most on their message boards is how confused people seem to be about losing weight.  Yes, I've been fat most of my life but not because I don't know how to lose weight.  I'm just lazy and I like food way more than I should.  I live to eat when I should be eating to live.  I'm working on that concept, although I know it will be a life long struggle.

What I'm talking about is people that subscribe to the notion that every person loses weight the same and whatever works for another person, should work for them.  Losing weight for most people is not rocket science.  You need to eat less and move more to lose weight.  The caloric goal; however, will be different for each person.  You can't simply take a plan that someone else is using and expect it to work for you.  Trial and error must occur in the first few weeks for you to really tailor the program to your body and your life.

Also, don't assume eating minuscule amounts of calories is the right way to go either.  If you consume less than 1200 calories a day and work out like a fiend, you will lose some weight pretty quickly.  You may even get to goal in record time; however, that's not a realistic plan for normal life and as soon as you eat normal again, you will probably gain it all back.

Moderation is the key.  Using a site like MFP that is built to give you suggested goals is great but you have to decide what works for you.  The biggest challenge is to pick up good habits that you can carry into your daily life after you have reached your weight goal.  For people that fall into the overweight + category, losing weight is not a temporary thing.  It has to be a lifelong change and you cannot change eating habits to lose the weight and then revert back to old behaviors.  IT'S A LIFE CHANGE...NOT A DIET!

And another thing, I implore the world to learn the difference between LOOSE and LOSE!

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Thanks for stopping by. If you have feedback, please leave it. I may have strong feelings about things but I know that doesn't make them right...all the time. Give me your perspective nice! I don't need a bunch of strangers being nutso in my life! :) Thanks