Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What the heck just happened? #CaseyAnthony

I admit it, I didn't watch the Casey Anthony trial because it was worse than watching paint dry; however, based on the reports of evidence that was discovered I cannot understand why the jury found her not guilty. She lied through the majority of the investigation and purposely covered up the fact that her daughter was missing. How in the world does that not warrant something worse than 4 counts of false information?

I find it extremely sad that the jury didn't feel there was enough evidence to convict her of something more than providing false information. I would love to know what the jurors were thinking. Do they think she is guilty but just didn't feel they had enough proof or do they really think she is innocent? If they don't think she did it, then who do they believe was involved?

A friend (@emtziggy45) said this is the worst verdict since the OJ trial and I have to agree.

There are going to be so many people negatively effected by this verdict.

1. Casey Anthony because everyone still thinks she did it and she will probably never be able to get a normal job again. Unfortunately, she will probably get rich selling her story for books and movies.

2. The jurors because they will be blamed for this horrible injustice, even if the burden of proof was on the prosecution team. I hope they do not have to experience the hatred that I'm sure will be displayed from some members of the public.

3. The parents/grandparents because they already said they thought Casey did it so they have now lost their daughter as well as their grand-daughter.

The statement from Jose Baez was a load of crap, full of gloating under tones and then some sort of Spanish portion that was completely uncalled for considering we are in the US. He might need to be watching his back as well because I've not seen any online comments that speak favorably of him.

It'll be interesting to see if she gets any additional time at sentencing on Thursday. I bet she walks with "time served" and there will never be justice for that poor little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Just saw a woman on facebook make the following comment:

    "So 12 people really think that a swamp down here in Florida is okay for a burial with a laundry bag a coffin."

    Are you kidding me? What kind of idiotic people are we in the US?


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