Some people would say I overshare! Hopefully, you will find something useful, funny or amusing in the random junk that comes out of my mind. If not, carry on!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Starting Over 01/04/2010
On January 4th, 2010 I will step on the scale, log my "starting" weight and start over with my weight loss journey. I'm ready to get started so I can detox from all the junk I've been eating. I just know this week is not the time to start it if I have any hope of sticking to it.
I'll be back at the end of week one (01/10/10) to report my results.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Weigh In 12/07/09
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Party 12/04/09
For dessert, I had 1/2 piece of chess pie. Way to rich to eat any more than that. Drank a couple sips of champagne and then had water the rest of the night. Feel like I did pretty well all things considered.
Looking forward to Monday to see if I maintain that 3.6 lb loss I saw yesterday morning. Let's hope it's even more of a loss by then!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Day 5 Update
I'm off for the next 4 days so I will be cleaning and hopefully getting a little extra work outs in. Can't wait to see what the scale says on Monday. :-)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Day 3
Last night was a little rough, had some chocolate and a cookie but still have plenty of flex points left for the band party on Friday. Today, we stopped at Hardees and I had an egg and cheese croissant, finding out later that they are 10 points…Yikes! Especially since I’d already used about 5 points on breakfast at home. Lunch was a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad with lite Italian dressing from Chik Fil-A. Unsweetened tea to drink for a little variety from the water. Only had about 34 ounces of water so far but the day is young so I’m sure there will be plenty more before bed.
Did 3T Turbo sculpting again this morning even though I didn’t want to. Josh wants to go to Subway for dinner…he is addicted to a turkey sub (plain). Yes, plain…he’s so weird! At least he’s branching out and trying something other than chicken nuggets.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Day 2 Wrap Up
Feeling better in the joints after my workout this morning. I think I'll try to get up and do the short toning work out each morning cause my legs felt much better today after I did it this morning.
Time to go do homework and watch TBL (as soon as Obama shuts up)! :-)
Day 2
I got up early, did a work out, had a 6 point breakfast…good start! Made tuna salad for lunch and had an apple at work. Picked up a box of the Smart Food caramel corn that are only 1 point per package and very good + 5 grams of fiber per bag. Ate my tuna salad for lunch, almost walked to Chik Fil A to get a chicken sandwich and talked myself out of it. Instead, went down and filled up my water bottles so I can add to the 80 ounces of water that I’ve already consumed this morning. J
I also, took the 4 flights of stairs to get back to my department. After I eat my apple, I’ll have 10 points left for dinner which is quite enough. Planning to walk on the treadmill while I was TBL tonight! Can’t wait for that!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Want A Snack
I’m getting to that point in the day where I’m either hungry or I just think I am. Drinking all the water I can to try to make the feeling pass. Passed up the Iced Pumpkin Loaf that was in the 8th floor kitchen, skipped the candy in the jar on the desk up there. Drinking nothing but water so far…well, I had 2 sips of a coke this morning but that is all. Threw the rest in the trash cause I didn’t want the temptation. Let’s hope I can keep up the momentum once I get home.
Day 1 - So Far, So Good
Today is going well but I didn’t get to walk at lunch like I wanted. Went out and it was way too cold and windy so I did a couple laps in the basement and took 4 flights of stairs back to my cubicle. So far, I have eaten 2 eggs, a pear, 2 pkgs of oatmeal (no sugar added) and ramen noodles. I have 2 apples for this afternoon which leaves me with 12.5 points for dinner. I’ve allotted 7 points for refried beans, a little cheese, tomatoes and a flour tortilla so that gives me a little wiggle room for a snack of some popcorn before bed.
Let’s see if I can keep this up!
Weigh In 11/30/09
I'll be blogging if I feel the desire to eat something bad in hopes it will deter me from doing it. We'll see how that goes. :-)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Blog to the rescue
What is wrong with me? 11/29/09
Tomorrow, I weigh in again and I'm going to try to start over and get back into the workout routine. That is what is killing me. If I would actually work out, I would be losing weight but I just can't get motivated. MUST GET MOVING NOW!
Need to take more pictures to update my starting over point...AGAIN!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weigh In 11/16/09
Monday, November 9, 2009
Weigh In 11/09/09
I'm sure alot of my problem is the job I took in August of 08, that's when I started gaining again and it's probably related to the increased stress of this job. I like the job better but the stress level can get overwhelming at times.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday was...ok
I still used about 1/2 my flex points the first day of my week so I've got to be careful this week for sure. We have a pitch in on friday so I don't know what I'm going to do. I need to save the rest of my flex points for that if I can so I don't blow the rest of the week in one day.
Yesterday was casual day and all my jeans are really tight again...not good since I already had to "buy up" twice in the last year. I am not going to buy anything bigger as motivation to get the rest of this weight off. Still not real interested in working out but I walked at work yesterday and plan to do so each day since it's not too hot outside.
Day 2 of the week should be good. I don't think there will be any weird food around at work today. Since I moved I sit right next to the "special food station" so I smell it all day. It's very annoying!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Weigh In 11/02/09
This week, I have stocked up on low point foods and will try really hard to get back on track. I have worked out in at least 2 months so I'll have to move back into that slowly. I plan to walk at work again and do some weight training at home as often as I can.
I'm still down over 40 lbs from my highest but I've gained back more than half of what I had lost at this time last year. It's time to start over and get serious...again!
Current weight = 232.2 lbs
Highest weight = 275.0 lbs (10/2007)
Lowest weight = 186.4 lbs (10/26/08)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Weigh In 10/19/09
Saturday, October 17, 2009
What The Funk!
I've got to get back on track because almost none of my clothes fit. I was wearing a 14/16 at my lowest this time last year and now I'm back up to 18/20's. I hate it and I hate feeling this way but I just don't know what to do to get out of the rut.
I bought a bunch of healthy food for the next couple weeks and I'm hoping that if I can get my food under control I will also feel better and that will help! We'll see what happens so check back soon for more updates. I WI on Monday and I'm sure I've gained again with all the crap I've eaten in the last 3 days. The first half of the week was great but Thursday, I just quit counting and things got real ugly!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Workout
I didn't want to get up this morning but I'm glad I did. I always feel better after a workout but it's sometimes hard to get up and get moving in the first place.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Weigh In 10/12/09
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Learning a lesson from the past
Weigh In 10/05/09
Current weight is...229.6!
I must get back on track immediately so I can lose the rest of this weight and get to goal.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Still Sick
Monday, September 28, 2009
Weigh In 09/28/09
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
No Willpower
I don't know why I can't seem to get this under control. Somethings going to have to happen soon because I have almost no clothes to wear anymore. I have a ton of work pants that I bought when I hit my lowest weight this time last year...can't even get them close to buttoned. So annoying!
I know what I have to do, I just can't seem to do it. I'm hoping something kicks in soon and my brain starts cooperating.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Weigh In 09/21/09
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's been a bad week...for several reasons.
We'll see the results tomorrow but I would bet that it's not going to be pretty. I really don't know why I can't get back on track. If it's not the poison sumac for a month it's this freaking cold or whatever for the last week. Not quite sure what to do about it but hoping that being back at work all next week will keep me busy enough to not think about anything else.
We'll see but tomorrow is a new day so I will start over. Right now, I'm going to lay down and hopefully sleep extra long so my body can fix itself!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Weigh In (WI) 09/14/09
This week I lost 0.6 pounds.
Not a big number but better than a gain, especially considering that I didn't work out the last half of the week and ate more than I probably should have. Hoping I can focus better this week since there are no pitch in's or food days going on this week. Hope the doctor thinks a low dose of steroids might help the joints. That would make it so much easier to actually work out better...if I wasn't in so much pain.
If any of you are in this with me, feel free to post your weekly results here...good and bad...we accept them all. :-)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Bad Food Week
I have 2 days until my next weigh in and I'm going to do everything within my power to detox from the crap that I have eaten this week. Planning to get some sort of workout in the next 2 days as well so I can hopefully undo the damage of the last 5 days.
I'll be back on Monday 09/14/09 to post the results (good or bad).
Monday, September 7, 2009