Sunday, December 27, 2009

Starting Over 01/04/2010

I haven't been on the scale in 2 weeks and I don't plan to until 01/04/2010.  I'm smart enough to know that I won't be on plan until after the new year is over so I'm not going to sweat it. 

On January 4th, 2010 I will step on the scale, log my "starting" weight and start over with my weight loss journey.  I'm ready to get started so I can detox from all the junk I've been eating.  I just know this week is not the time to start it if I have any hope of sticking to it.

I'll be back at the end of week one (01/10/10) to report my results.

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Thanks for stopping by. If you have feedback, please leave it. I may have strong feelings about things but I know that doesn't make them right...all the time. Give me your perspective nice! I don't need a bunch of strangers being nutso in my life! :) Thanks