Thursday, March 10, 2016

When it's time to give up

I've worked my whole life in some sort of customer service position. I've been a rep, a specialist, a supervisor. I've done the grunt work, training, hiring, firing. You name it, I've done it. I've always prided myself in doing a good job in each position and I'm constantly looking for ways to improve how things are done.

At my last employer, new ideas and thinking outside the box were welcomed and even rewarded. At my current employer, they seem to be discouraged. The changes that are implemented are most often not something that makes sense & do nothing to improve how the company works.

If you dare to suggest changing a process to improve efficiency or fill a hole where a process should be, you're seen as a rebel that doesn't take pride in your job. Mediocrity is rewarded and those that work the hardest get the most dumped on them with no reward or thanks for the hard work. Those that have a handle on their workloads are taken for granted. Processing 5 times more transactions a month than any of your peers means nothing.

Experience and drive mean nothing. Sheep (followers) are promoted. One little faux pas will be held against you forever. It's discouraging and the constant reminders that promotions are based on office politics and not true talent make me want to give up all the extras & stop trying to prove I'm worthy of a position that they don't want qualified people for.

If this is common in other companies across the US, it's no wonder employees don't care about how they perform in their jobs.

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Thanks for stopping by. If you have feedback, please leave it. I may have strong feelings about things but I know that doesn't make them right...all the time. Give me your perspective nice! I don't need a bunch of strangers being nutso in my life! :) Thanks