Monday, March 21, 2016

Double standards & hypocrisy

A college professor nearly lost her job when several students claimed she made racial statements during class. It took 4 months for a decision to be made that her use of a racial slur was not racially motivated.

This article doesn't include the actual word she used but, based on the rest of the statement, I can only conclude it was "the n-word". The word was used in response to a question from a student and was not directed at anyone. It was used to reiterate that she hadn't seen the word nigger spray painted on campus like some universities had.

How anyone in their right mind could take this as her using that slur against someone else, I'll never know. Actually, we do know. It's more evidence of that entitled generation that needs a safe place because words hurt.

Funny how black people call each other "nigga" all the time yet it's taboo for any one else to utter it, even when in the course of teaching. It's such a double standard. Yes, the word has very negative connotations. Yes, we should all stop using it. But until the black community stops using it, I don't want to hear any more bitching when other people say it.

Not to mention the fact that it's just a word. Our freedom of speech allows us to say what we want. Unfortunately, some folks have hate in their hearts and don't take other people's feelings into consideration. It's still their right to speak and if they aren't physically harming someone, it doesn't matter if you're offended. Get over it. Suck it up! Stop being a baby.

There will always be someone that doesn't like you for one reason or another. That's life. Stop whining!

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