Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Police Brutality Must Stop

We must stop the war that is being waged against our law enforcement officers.

I know, you were expecting something different. You thought I was going to say the police are too violent and people need to rebel. Well, you thought wrong! You won't hear that from me...EVER.

Far too often we hear of cases where a student has gotten into an altercation with a police officer. In almost every case we find out that the incident started because the student refused to cooperate, follow instructions and/or leave when asked to do so by a teach, principal, etc.

Officers attacked on unruly school bus

I don't care how brutal or violent you think these videos are, the root cause of every situation is the lack of respect displayed by the student. These officers didn't just walk up to the teens and get violent. NO...they were provoked by a generation of entitled brats that think they can do whatever they want with no consequences. In many cases, the differing race of the student and officer are used to claim racial motivation for the actions of the officer when the reality is that they are just tired of dealing with people that want nothing more than to provoke them into losing their temper.

How about the double standard that comes into play when a black student attacks a white teacher. The media says nothing because that might make people realize that it's not a world where only white people are attacking black people.

Black student attacks white teacher, media goes silent.

People are attacking each other. In many cases it doesn't have anything to do with their race, people just have no moral compass anymore. They don't care about what other people think and they have no respect for human life.

It's really very simple...don't break the rules/laws and the cops won't have to be called. If the cops aren't called, there won't be any need for an altercation. However, if the police are called...cooperate and don't act like a total a$$ and you'll be fine.

UPDATE: In more racial hate mongering news, Teen Vogue posted this article which is clearly a biased opinion of the writer and in no way presents the facts as a true journalist would strive to do. Oh, who am I kidding? There are very few true journalists left in this world and Teen Vogue isn't exactly known for its intellectual articles. Sadly, I could identify the race of this writer before I even saw her name or picture. I love how she questions the integrity of those students that walked out in support of this officer and brushes the original issue under the rug. Her behavior doesn't excuse his but it's sure as hell was started it.

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