Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It may be an entitlement problem, not a racist cop problem

So, a white cop got physical with a black student and it's immediately deemed a racially motivated incident. Based on some of the reports about this officer's background, I'm more inclined to believe he's just a jerk, in general.

That troubling information aside, why is nobody concerned about why this started to begin with? This teenager refused to do as instructed by a teacher and the vice principal.

Then refused to cooperate with the officer when he asked her to leave the room. What did she expect? That they'd just give up because she was being a little brat and refusing to follow instructions?

If you don't respect others, especially your teachers, you deserve what you get.

It's very disturbing to me that so many people are completely ignoring the fact that this punk ass teenager lacks any respect for authority and is a complete asshole. Another member of the entitlement generation that feels they can do whatever they want.


  1. So, now the student is injured and I'm sure she'll want to sue the cop, the school corporation and probably the city, since she's hired an attorney. How about we all just start cooperating, following the rules and stop being assholes?

  2. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/lawyer-teen-suffered-several-injuries-in-classroom-arrest/ar-BBmwylc

    Updated story about the student's injuries


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