Friday, April 8, 2016

My body, my choice

I'm getting a little tired of hearing this feminist chant in regard to medical regulations that would limit abortions in certain situations. Yes, it's your body but once you get pregnant, you are now responsible for the body of a person that is not capable of making decisions for themselves. You don't want people telling you what to do with your body, why do you get to decide whether or not this new person lives or dies?

There are absolutely reasons that an abortion may be justified but your failure to use appropriate birth control or the failure of that birth control in general isn't really one of them. If you're not able to care for a child but there's no medical reason why you couldn't go through with the pregnancy, have the child and put it up for adoption. There are many families that would love to care for your child and give it a chance at life.

The all or nothing stance that it's my body so you don't have a right to tell me what to do is ridiculous. Once a new person begins, you lose a little bit of those rights so just stop the argument.

That being said, pharmacists shouldn't have the right to refuse to fill a prescription just because they don't agree with it. The patient and their doctor have arranged a plan. The pharmacist doesn't know why the woman is having the procedure and it's none of their business. The refusal in this story crosses the line.

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