FEED A CHILD has apologized for a controversial ad that was deemed, by some, as racist. If you haven't seen it, there's a link below but here's a run down.
White woman "pets" black child and feeds him a small treat
White woman gives black child a treat for bringing her some sort of item
White woman eats dinner and gives black child a small piece as the child sits under the table
Ending message says some dogs are fed better than some children.
Now, as you first watch you may have thoughts similar to those reflected by others that have watched the video. How could anyone create something like this, let alone allow their child to participate? It's degrading, shocking, etc.
What most folks fail to realize is that this organization is based in South Africa. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the majority of the children they aim to feed are black? Wouldn't it make sense to appropriately represent the children you are trying to help?
Nevermind accurately representing the scenario they want the viewer to donate to. Clearly many folks are more concerned that it's racist to see a white woman feeding a black child than the actual plight of the children this commercial is meant to solicit help for.
Would they be happy to see a white child depicted in the role of the dog? Or would that also be racist because that would mean the organization believes people would donate more money for a white child, as opposed to a black child?
Maybe if some of these folks focused as much effort on helping these children as they do in pushing their constant claims of racism, we wouldn't need commercials like this.