Sunday, September 15, 2013

Can we go back in time?

When I listen to the 80'd & 90's stations on Sirius satellite radio I'm transported back to the good old days. The days that I would have classified as "hell" at the time but would kill to relive now. Why do we never realize what we have until it's gone?

Things were so much simpler then. We rode bikes, played outside and the sun going down was our reminder to come home. We weren't absorbed by our electronics, or even the TV, because we knew our neighbors and we played together.

We played flashlight tag, basketball & took time to swing at the playground. We ran through cornfields, caught fireflies & collected locust shells.

Other parents watched out for your kids and you didn't have to worry about tracking your child's whereabouts via an app on their smartphone.

We've come so far but have we gone overboard? We've become so dependent on electronics and we no longer enjoy the world around us.

I wish we could go back and enjoy life again.

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