Monday, August 1, 2011

Gas cans w/safety features are evil

I've had the same old, broken gas can for several years. It's small and the nozzle cracked in half...but it works. At Menards I found a 5 gallon can for about $5 & thought I was getting a deal.

The nozzle has a safety feature that keeps gas from spilling out unless the cap is pushed against the side of the gas tank and pushed down to open the end of the dispenser.

The problem?
1. The nozzle has a flat tip & when the gas comes out it hits the flat tip and splatters back toward whoever had the misfortune of holding the canister.

2. The "hook" that is used to depress the safety nozzle gets easily stuck in the tank opening which can cause gas to run every me, I mean EVERY WHERE!

3. When full, the can is actually pretty awkward to use without making a mess.

I was able to determine that holding the safety cover open with my hand and allowing the gas to come out of 1 side only works much better. Too bad I had to waste about $10 worth of gas figuring that out.

Beware of these "safe" gas cans.

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