I've observed a severe disregard for rules and laws lately that greatly concerns me. I don't know if it's the parents or the environment that are to blame but I feel it has reached an unacceptable level.
Children and many adults have no regard for rules, whether they be written or understood, and it's making our society a conflict filled place. It seems everyone is out to prove a point and challenge the rules and laws that are currently in place. Instead of going through the proper channels to make a difference, people break the rules and then try to work it out in court by suing people or causing a huge scene for the tabloids. That achieves nothing except making yourself look bad.
If you feel there are laws or rules in place that are unfair, challenge them but don't do so by breaking them. There are proper channels to make changes...breaking the rules will only make you look foolish and set a poor example for your children.
I found this article on Twitter today and feel that this sort of atitude is exactly what is wrong with the world. Yes, if your kids aren't hurting anyone it's not a big deal to go up the slide; however, when you are out in public, the rules of behavior change. You can't just think of yourself and what you want to teach your children. By letting them think it's ok to break the rules if their judgment tells them it's ok you are opening up the chance for them to test those boundaries in other areas, which could be more dangerous.
Bottom line, children need to be taught that while not all rules or laws make sense in all situations they should be followed unless they could cause bodily harm to someone. Since rules are usually in place to prevent harm, it's best to follow the rules as written and take the appropriate steps to change them if you feel it's necessary.
Too many kids are getting the lesson that it's ok to break the rules if you think they aren't right...IT'S NOT! A world without rules would be complete chaos and it could be dangerous in many situations.
Please, think of the children. They can still be free thinkers without being law breakers as well. Teach them how to change the world, not just how to complain about it.
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