For those of you that were appalled when Biden said Republicans voting against social security, healthcare, etc...let's have a quick lesson in how bills work in congress.
First, a bill isn't simply a 2-3 page document that discusses a single topic for review. No, most bills are hundreds of pages long and include many topics that aren't even remotely related to the main issue in the bill.
That's why when someone says a certain person voted against something, it's probably a LIE! There are so many pet projects tacked onto these bills that it's just another way of sneaking in your agenda under something that is truly a bi-partisan issue.
That's the norm in congress. Take a hot topic, like healthcare, create a bill to lower costs, that nobody would ever disagree with, and then tack on a bunch of other projects and funding requests for things that fit your personal agenda...even when they aren't related to healthcare.
Don't believe me? Go to the congress website and look at any of the bills that are out there. 90% of them include multiple topics and hundreds of pages of information that politicians are trying to push through without anyone noticing. This isn't new and happens from both sides.
Take a look at all the requests in the Inflation Reduction Act. Explain to me how these things are actually going to reduce inflation? Nothing in here helps all Americans and there are all sorts of stipulations and qualifications that you have to meet in order for any of the rebates listed to be available to you.
If someone votes against a bill, it's probably because they don't believe giving out billions of tax payer dollars, as listed in the bill, will actually benefit the american people. Isn't that why you selected your congress people? To make the best decisions for us? Not every bill is in the interest of the majority of americans. As a citizen, you need to use half your brain and don't blindly believe what the politicians and media feed you!
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