Josh has had a really rough week...even worse on me...and it's beginning to show in my physical health. I'm irritable at work, tired, my muscle spasms are back, etc.
I think it was Tuesday, Josh decided he wanted someone to spend the night on a school night and I said no. When he continued to ask, I continued to say no and he went ballistic. Throwing things, screaming in my face, cursing at me, etc. He never hit me but I wasn't sure that it wouldn't come to that.
Thursday morning, he claimed he was sick and couldn't go to school. He's already on probation for truancy so if he misses any more days, he could be taken away and placed in a boys school/home. I went to work and at 8:30am he decided that maybe it wasn't worth the risk, he was feeling miraculously better and I had to leave work to take him to school.
Friday he made it about 30 minutes before he got into a shoving match with another student, the cops were called and he was suspended for the rest of the day. All because some kid shoved a chair into his leg. Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with these kids today? Josh is no angel and he had no business getting freaked out about a chair hitting his leg but the other kids are constantly trying to get other kids riled up and cause a scene.
It will be interesting to see what his probation officer says. We have an appointment with the judge on the 10th to discuss his lack of participation in class and his lack of homework completion. He refuses to do anything at night and then acts like it's my fault that he "forgot" to do it when we leave the next morning.
I just don't know how much more of this I can take before I end up at my breaking point. I'm also worried about missing much more work. I've already blown through all my vacation time for other appointments and my boss has been pretty flexible up to this point but I cannot risk losing my job because he wants to live his life as a complete jackass.
I know it's not nice to call your kids names's the truth. Hoping for some fantastic options to fall into my lap so I know what to do. The court & school systems have been a total failure at actually helping. They have a board of psychologists that are supposed to help parents and teachers when students are struggling. I think it's pretty darn obvious that he's not having a easy time of this. Yet nobody has ever stepped in and said "we have some options that might help you". It's like pulling teeth and short of sending him to an inpatient mental facility, I don't know what else to do.
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