Lately, I've noticed that one particular driver I've ridden with has a terrible habit of yelling at her rear view mirror when another driver gets, what she thinks is, too close to her bumper. Granted, I've been known to "talk" to other drivers as we pass on the road but I've never actually looked at the mirror as if looking into their eyes when I do it.
Not to mention that this person often stops in the middle of a conversation inside the car to freak out on a driver who, not only can't hear her but, probably isn't as close to her bumper as she thinks.
At any rate, it makes me very uncomfortable and makes me want to reach over and smack her until she realizes how stupid she sounds. Yes, I have passenger road rage...I can't help it. Stupid drivers is one of my biggest pet peeves and it's so prevelent these days that I can barely function on the road without wanting to take a ball bat to a windshield.
I'm just kidding, I don't really have that much road rage...not all the time, anyway!
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