Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weigh In 05/07/11

I was happily surprised by the scale this morning, which reflected a loss of 2.2 lbs. Granted, that is a 2 week loss since the scale said I gained last week and I refused to log it (even if it was only 0.8 lbs). :)

Anyway, that is about 26 lbs lost since the beginning of the year. Not nearly the pace that I was able to lose weight in 2007 but I'm older now and my stress level is higher because I'm still unemployed and running out of time. :(

Things will get better, I've just got to make it through this rough patch, that I hope doesn't stick around very long.

Time to get up and clean the house up before the family comes over for dinner tomorrow! Happy Mother's Day!

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