Friday, July 19, 2024

The shooter was a patsy

You will never convince me the shooter, who attempted to assassinate Trump, acted alone. There are far too many holes in the story. Frankly, all leads point to corruption in the ranks of the Secret Service, which is no real surprise.

Let's look at some questionable topics:

  • Some democrats had rallied to remove Trump's security detail in the weeks prior to 7/13
  • His detail was reduced to send agents to guard the 1st lady in another area that same day
  • Trump was given several female guards that were completely unqualified to guard a large man. Why would you assign a 5'5", unfit woman to guard a man that is 6'+ tall? She couldn't have done it and what if they'd had to move Trump's body or carry him? Hell, one of them couldn't even figure out how to holster her gun and appeared to be hiding behind the group of male agents that actually covered Trump with their bodies.
  • The police & SS were notified well before the shooting that this guy was lurking around and on the roof. Why was nothing done?
  • Why was the sniper not given the ok to engage as soon as he saw the guy with a gun? He waited 3+ minutes and still didn't get the ok from his superiors when the shots started.
  • The sniper that took out the shooter, was arrested and fired for not following orders. What the hell is that about?
  • How did the shooter get into that area with a rifle and a ladder when the building was, supposedly, full of agents?
  • Why were there no guards on that roof? The slope of that roof was less than the slope of the roof where the police snipers were so that is an excuse I'm not buying. Cheatle said they were inside the building. Why were there no guards posted outside where they would have seen the shooter in advance?
  • The secret service agents, for the most part, seemed completely unprepared for what happened. Either that, or they were told he'd be dead so they purposely didn't prepare for having to get a live person off the stage and out of harms way.
  • The shooter, who liked to play video games, had no online presence? I find that to be a total load of bull shit. What 20 year old doesn't have some online accounts, unless they are amish? Then we find out that he had a discord account but it was deleted because it didn't have anything relevant on it. Bull shit! That seems like obstruction of justice to me. Probably handled by the same folks that helped Hilary clean up her emails a while back.
  • There is now talk of a second shooter on the water tower. None of the video footage is clear enough to tell for sure but, I'm wondering if the real shooter wasn't inside that building instead of on top of it.

Liberals Don't Know Why They Hate Trump

I'm sure you have all seen the videos where someone approaches a liberal at a protest to ask them what they hate so much about Donald Trump. Their standard answer is always that he's racist, a bigot, homophobic. When pressed for examples of these actions by Trump, they have nothing. Many of them will just start screaming at you or walk away. Why is that?

It's because they have no idea what they are talking about. These liberals only know what the MSM and Democrats have told them is the truth. Most aren't intelligent enough to actually do a little research and form their own opinions. They refuse to have a discussion with anyone that doesn't immediately agree with their narrow minded stance.

If you dare to question or refute something a liberal has said, 95% of the time they will start calling you names or tell you that you're a brainwashed sheep. Funny thing is, that's exactly what they are because they refuse to think outside the box and believe the garbage they see on the news.

The lack of critical thinking skills make we wish there was an minimum IQ requirement for voting. People like this are why our country is in this horrible position. They are willing to do anything to get the free handouts that the government keeps promising them, only to be let down when the dems they voted for, do nothing to help them. Yet, they continue to vote blue because they lack enough intelligence to remember the lies they were told the last time.

Our country really has become a nation of idiots.

Biden's History of Dishonesty

Biden graduated 76th in his class of 85 students in 1968. They say this was due to a "mistake" he made in his first year by plagiarizing a law review article for a paper he wrote. Do we really believe that one paper would drop you to the bottom of the pack of students? Sounds like he wasn't that great of a student, yet he still earned his law degree.

Over the nearly 40 years he's spent in office, he seems to have made quite a few mistakes. The recent ones more known, since he's in the White House this time.

He said the 1994 crime control bill that he was a part of was a "mistake". Was it? Or did he just try to backpedal now that he's facing reelection?

He is on video complaining about how he didn't want his kids going to school in a jungle and calling others n*gger multiple times on several occasions. Yet, he's now the one trying to claim that conservatives are the racist ones.

He's said he grew up in a black church & in the puerto rican commmunity...he really doesn't have a firm grasp on reality. He spent part of his childhood in Scranton, which is 60%+ white, depending on what website you look at. Currently, it's 80% white.

He's said that his son, Hunter, is the smartest man he knows. Based on what we've seen from Hunter's laptop, Biden is either a liar or a moron...either way, he shouldn't be in office.

He continues to omit facts about what is happening in congress by claiming those that voted against a bill are not for the American people. He consistently fails to include details about what other things are included in these bills that might be offensive or unacceptable to those in congress that are voting on our behalf.

Note: This was a draft that I composed in Oct 2022 and things just got worse from there

Free speech doesn't protect you from consequences

 A few days ago, a Home Depot employee was fired for posting on social media that she wished the shooter hadn't missed Trump. I've heard some people saying they don't think it's right for people to get fired for saying these things but, here's my take.

These people weren't saying they wished he'd fallen down the stairs or broken his leg. 


What kind of sick, twisted person do you have to be to make a statement like that?

The true colors of the left are coming out more and more and Biden's call for "unity" is falling on deaf ears. Republicans have put up with this crap for too long. The dems tried to assassinate our presidential candidate. A man that many people love and support. And then they want to tell us we need to reduce the temperature of politics after they said they wanted to put Trump in the bullseye?

I don't think so. That time has passed. We've tried to unify with the left and they've refused to budge on anything. There is no compromise with them and, if they don't get their way, they resort to violence.

They are getting dangerously close to the time where they push too far and republicans are going to push back. And, trust me...they aren't prepared for what might happen.

Sadly, the democrats initiated and allowed this mess and it's time they take responsibility for their actions.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Corporate Equity Index-Why are companies so woke?

If you're like me, you may have asked "why are so many companies becoming so 'woke" lately?" Well, there's this thing called the Corporate Equality Index run by the Human Rights Campaign, that reviews companies on their inclusivity for the LGBTQ communities and then gives them a report to tell them what they can do better.

What you'll find is "woke" companies like Meta, Adidas, Kohl's, Target, Nike Google & Microsoft (the latter 4 are National Corporate Partners of the Human Rights Campaign) all have scores of 100 points.

As an example, my employer...which is constantly creating groups and sessions for every possible group that is out there, only has a score of 20 points. I'm speculating here but, it may be that my company isn't forcing this down people's throats or changing their logo to a rainbow in June to show support for pride month. They aren't forcing people to attend sessions on "unconscious bias" or "inclusive thoughts" but are making things available to those that might be interested.

Frankly, I think this score is bogus and should never have been allowed to become "a thing". You're going to rank a company based on how inclusive some extremist group thinks they are and dock them points when they don't implement your suggestions for improvement.

My company has offices and employees around the world, 40,000+ of them, and I'm curious to know how those folks feel about the inclusion efforts of their own employer. Just in my small group, we have multiple people that are part of the LGBTQ community. Our head of HR is also part of that group. I don't care about the opinion of some committee, whose entire purpose is to search out situations that they think might be offensive to a small group of people.

I know someone that works at a huge law firm and they also have a score of 100 but I also know that they are forcing their employees to attend mandatory sessions in inclusion, equality and other topics that the woke agenda is pushing on the masses. Coincidence?

Surprisingly, Chik Fil A doesn't even have an entry on the CEI index so I'm not sure if they are only reviewing certain types of companies, like publicly traded, or if they just gave Chik Fil A a zero score so they don't even list them. 

Use this link to check out any companies that you are affiliated with to see their CEI score.