Saturday, October 1, 2011

Snide or Clueless

Things that have been said to or around me lately that make me wonder if this person is just totally clueless or if they are being purposely snide & obnoxious.

"The muffins have whey protein in them. I would bring some in but they're for people that work out."

"I saw a picture of Heidi Klum the other day. She was looking BIG."

"I love to shop at ___ but their clothes aren't small enough."

"You don't go to the mall? But where do you buy clothes?"

"They brought donuts in for you guys." (Said as she was eating her yogurt & apple)

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Thanks for stopping by. If you have feedback, please leave it. I may have strong feelings about things but I know that doesn't make them right...all the time. Give me your perspective nice! I don't need a bunch of strangers being nutso in my life! :) Thanks