Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6 - Ice Cream

This morning started with my normal coffee, english muffin and hashbrowns.  Lunch didn't happen til nearly 2pm when I went to pick up my son from school.  That ended up being a spicy chicken cool wrap from Chik Fil-A.  Unfortunately, the overwhelming urge for ice cream overtook me and we stopped at Lic's on the way home.  I had cookie dough ice cream on a sugar cone.  I think that I'm going to have to count that as dinner or I'm going to be way over my calorie goal for the day.

I'm about ready to shut my bedroom door and ignore the world.  Got a kid with an attitude, twitter that won't update to facebook and a stomach that is seriously digesting so loud I can hear it.  I think it's time to block out the world and try again tomorrow.

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