Saturday, January 2, 2021

Stop the cycle, save the children

The fact that we keep seeing stories of young people committing heinous crimes is a sad sign of the future of our country. What's the answer? It's not going to happen overnight but everyone needs to step up and do something in their own lives to stop the cycle.

I'm sure many folks won't like my thoughts on this and I don't care. I'm at that age where I'm going to say my piece and if you don't like it, you're free to move on and do your own thing. But, if you are guilty of any of these "behaviors", you may be part of the problem.

  • Stop glamorizing celebrities, crime & promiscuity.
  • Teach kids personal responsibility.
  • Single motherhood is not something to be promoted.
  • Don't let your kids grow up believing they are victims.

Crime & promiscuity is not something to be celebrated. Far too many folks idolize these celebrities that show rampant crime & sexual activity in their videos and expect that their kids won't grow up thinking that is normal. It should NOT be normal. Having children out of wedlock with multiple people should NOT be normal. Robbing people and shooting guns all over town should NOT be normal or accepted behavior.

We need to stop raising our kids to believe that they are doomed to failure just because of their current situation. It's a struggle to get out of a bad situation but it can be done if you try and stop blaming others for your shortcomings. Make sure your kids understand that they are not entitled to anything. That hard work is what gets you forward in life. That being kind to others is not a weakness. That the government is not there to take care of you.

Being a single mother is difficult. I've been a single mother for 18+ years but I only had one child and I don't consider myself a super hero. Yes, some women find themselves in this situation due to no fault of their own and they do their best. It's awesome to support them. However, if you're a single mother with multiple children, by different fathers, you did that to yourself. If you got pregnant once and weren't smart enough to figure out how that happened and take steps to avoid it, I have no empathy for you. I know there may be extenuating circumstances for some but I'm willing to bet that a good portion of women in this position are there due to their own personal choices, or lack of planning. Again, take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your failures on everyone else.

Stop telling your kids that, just because you struggled as a child and an adult, that they are doomed to follow the same path. If you really want your kids to succeed, instill in them better behaviors. Don't play the victim yourself. Make them take responsibility for their own actions. Make sure they understand what hard work is. Be involved in their relationships with others and make sure they aren't falling in with the wrong crowd. Raise your children and don't depend on the people around you to do it. If you have children, they are your responsibility. If you continue to allow them to be a victim and blame others for their actions, YOU are the problem with the state of our country. 

Far too many people are being raised without the ability to think for themselves. They only follow what others tell them to do and believe. They can't think form their own thoughts or opinions. The fact that this has become a rampant problem is clear in the sheer # of people that have voted for the party that clearly wants socialism to take over the United States. They have no idea what that would really mean for our country. We have to stop this cycle and get our kids on the right path, before they grow up and destroy our country.