Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What will you tell your children?

I recently saw this post on facebook and realized that this narrow minded stupidity is really what is destroying our country.

It's not really the protests and the violence, or even the politicians that are destroying America. We the people are the ones that are doing it. We've allowed ourselves to become lazy and complacent. We assume that things we read online are truth without bothering to do any research. Some folks simply base their opinions on the headline, without even reading the article. In many cases, you will find that there is information in that article that clarifies or even contradicts the headline. But people don't want to take the time to do their research.

I mean, the MSM wouldn't lie to you, would they? Even after it's been proven that the main stream media has repeatedly lied or reported information that was never verified, people still think they can do no wrong.

My children and grandchildren will know that when some people took an extremist and narrow minded view of things, on both sides of the debate, I did my very best to find out the details and make an informed decision on how I want my country to move forward. They will know that I prefer fidelity, truth and respect and did my best to share those values with others.

The fact that so many people have been trained to believe anyone with differing opinions is evil is what is wrong with this world. Too many participation children now coming into voting age and I'm scared for our future. I pray they continue to be as lazy as they are with researching facts on election day. Stay home because you're afraid of the bad people out there. Stay home so you don't get sick because we couldn't stop a virus. Stay home because you have faith that your candidate will win based on what the polls say.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Personal Responsibility

Ya'll! Listen! 

I'm so tired of hearing people blame everyone else for things that happen in their life. Life is about making choices. Not all of them will be good ones and many will have repercussions. Some of them will be unexpected because you thought you were making the right choice such as changing jobs, moving or taking a different route home. Others have clear consequences like breaking the law, driving recklessly, drinking, etc.

We need to stop blaming politicians for the ills of our country and look at our own actions. Do you vote? If not, why not? You want to complaint about who is in office but you can't be bothered to spend an hour or 2 every 4 years casting your vote?

You don't know who to vote for? Why not? Have you even tried to do any research on what the candidates have actually done, or failed to do, during their tenure? 

Are you voting for the same people over and over and then complaining when nothing good or new happens?

You're an adult. You have the ability to learn about what is going on in the world. The entire world is at your fingers yet so many of you refuse to work to verify that what the mainstream media is telling you is right. You just blindly believe everything they put out, even after multiple sources prove them to be liars.

It's time to stop blaming anyone else for the way out country has turned out and look in the mirror. If you're not voting, that's a mistake. If you aren't researching what you read before accepting it as the truth, that's a mistake. If you hate how your city or state has devolved in the last few years yet you keep voting for the same people over and over, that's a mistake.

Take responsibility. Learn the facts. Don't follow the herd. Use your brain and some common sense. Have some common decency when it comes to your fellow man. Stop playing the victim and DO SOMETHING!!! No, I don't mean go out and tear things down and start fires. VOTE! The only way things are going to change is if the people you've elected for the last few decades, who have done nothing, are replaced by people that truly care about our country.

Do your part and stop playing the blame card.