So, I've been a supervisor at my current employer for a year and a half. I've had similar supervisory experience at my previous job. When a manager position came open, I applied for it.
To be honest, I like what I do now and didn't really want the job but I need more money so I didn't do much to prepare for the interview and didn't expect much, especially when I found out they were doing external interviews.
Yesterday, I found out that they'd chosen one of those external candidates. Someone with way more experience and a PhD. I mean, how can I compete with that?
I had no real emotion when they delivered the news. Other than the loss of a higher salary, I didn't really care. It's rather exciting to have someone new that has leadership and development experience that can help our team get even better. Skills that none of us currently have and need to improve on.
Some of the other applicants were not as accepting of this news. They were disappointed that they didn't choose to promote from within. I will say it was a bummer not to get the job but I understand how things work when you start to get higher up the food chain and it's not always in the best interest of the team to promote someone just because they are a current employee.
Do I think I could do the job? Yes.
Do I think I was the most qualified? Probably not.
Can you blame them for taking a chance on someone that could come in and make our team better. No way? It might not work out. This person might end up moving on after a short time. Maybe then I'll be ready. Maybe then I won't want the job.
We shall see what happens. I'm not going to waste time griping about something I can't change. I'm going to focus on improving myself so, if another position becomes available, I will be ready.