Friday, July 22, 2016

The bathroom law strikes again

So, the NBA is removing itself from North Carolina because of the HB2 bill in effect. Liberals are cheering and saying the state deserves to love the money the game would bring.

Conservatives have been arguing about this law forever. Why is it so difficult to understand that passing a law that says anyone can use any bathroom they choose is dangerous? True transgendered people have been using the bathroom related to the gender they identify with before now and nobody had a clue.

By passing a law giving specific permission for the 1% of the population that this protection would apply to, you've also given permission to every pedophile, sex offender and child molester to use any bathroom they want. Giving them access to your wives, children, etc. All they have to do is claim they identify as a woman and they are home free.

Is that what you want? Predators being given permission and easy access to your loved ones? Nobody says you can't use the bathroom but we don't want to protect those criminals that will abuse the law to commit their crimes.

Common sense, people. Something, I find, mist liberal lack these days.

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